2023-2024 Pilgrim Graduate Acknowledgement
This year we would like to recognize our graduates:
Joseph Matthew Childers
Cameron Johnson
Richard Merker
Thomas Willcocks
As our graduates begin their journey, may they remember to take God’s wisdom and keep HIM in their hearts. May their choices along with HIS loving guidance help them to follow their dreams.
Pilgrim would like to offer encouragement to our graduates and wish them all the best with their future endeavors during the Sunday June 9th service.
Youth Christian Formation
2024-2025 Registration
Pilgrim offers Christian Formation opportunities for All Generations. Check back here for updates!
(Youth Christian Formation 8/18/24 Update)
Dear friends and families of Pilgrim Presbyterian Church!
A new school year is about to being. We once again would like to gather and re-engage our youth participants in activities, including Youth Choirs, volunteer opportunities, and Youth Christian Formation (aka Sunday School).
It is time to register your youth for this new school year. Whether your youth are interested in participating in all opportunities offered, or maybe just in choir, or exclusively as a volunteer, please register ALL young people who may be involved in Pilgrim activities at some point during the school year, because that ensures that we have emergency contact and allergy information for all types of participants.
TO REGISTER, follow this link: https://forms.gle/UiF93RQfHr7iYioy7
If you have trouble with the link, call Becky at 908-797-5156.
Overview of the Christian Formation Schedule:
Every Sunday (excluding the 4th Sunday), Christian Formation, aka Sunday School, meets from 9:00-10:00 am. Youth Choir will meet at 10:00 am. Our worship service takes place in the sanctuary at 10:30 am.
Fourth Sundays of the month will focus on Youth Choir with rehearsal starting at 9:15am proceeding with the youth sharing their musical offering during the 10:30 worship service.
Dates of Interest:
First Class is September 8th BRING YOUR SCHOOL BACKPACK to worship for the BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS. Join us for worship at 10:30am. Following the service, the whole congregation will celebrate with an Ice Cream Social. Join us and Invite a Friend!
Final Class -June 2025, Date TBD (Youth Led Church Service)
There will be NO class held on the following dates: December 29th, March 31st, and May 12th.
We look forward to seeing you soon! Call Sonia Ayers (908) 343-5137 or Becky Johnson (908) 797-5156 with any questions.
~ Peace!