Pastor - Vacant
January 26, 2025 was Pastor Rich Gelson’s last Sunday with us at Pilgrim. Click here to read more about his departure. Our Session is working with the Presbytery of the Highlands Committee on Ministry to identify an Interim Pastor.
June Thomas Fraser
Worship Music Leader
More info to come! Check back soon.
We are led by the Holy Spirit through our Session. What is this?
The group of active ruling elders, elected by the congregation, who make decisions for the running of the local church and serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation. In some denominations this group is called the church council. The session has responsibility and power to: provide that the Word of God be preached and heard, primarily through worship; authorize the celebration of the sacraments; receive and dismiss members; provide for the education, ordination, mission, and care of members; oversee financial stewardship and church property; and maintain discipline.
More about Ruling Elders...
Elected by the congregation and ordained to ministry, a ruling elder serves as a voting member of the congregation’s decision-making council known as the session. They are called elders not because of age but because they are considered competent and wise enough to make good decisions. Once ordained, a ruling elder is always a ruling elder, continuing as a spiritual leader of the congregation, even when not actively serving on the session (which does have term limits).
Linda Pettinelli
Children and Youth Choir Director
2023 Session
Diane Amey, Elder for Mission
Sonia Ayers, Elder for Stewardship & Finance
Paul Berlet, Elder for Christian Formation
Charmaine Cahill, Elder for Fellowship
Chuck Lunn, Elder for Homestead
Deb McGuinness, Elder for Congregational Care
Sam Cappello, Elder for Personnel
Vacant, Elder for Worship
Vacant, Elder for Nominating
Elder Barbara Jones, Stated Clerk
Stated Clerk …The person who is elected to maintain official records of a church session, presbytery, synod, and General Assembly. The stated clerk of the General Assembly also represents the denomination in ecumenical settings and oversees the work of the Office of the General Assembly, based in Louisville, Kentucky.
Lillie Dorchak
Office Administrator
Carl Gulick
Building Superintendent