Can’t make it to worship but still want to watch the service? You are in luck! All Worship services are recorded and are now posted to our Pilgrim YouTube channel. Come check out our channel and subscribe today!


Pilgrim YouTube channel

Candlelit Christmas Eve Service

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(hyperlinked to online Bible for your reading)


7 Baptism of the Lord Mark 1:4-11

14 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 1 Samuel 3:1-10

21 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Psalm 62:5-12

28 4th Sunday after Epiphany 1 Corinthians 8:1-13


4 5th Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 40:21-31

11 Transfiguration Sunday Mark 9:2-9

14 Ash Wednesday Psalm 51:1-17

18 Lent 1 Genesis 9:8-17

25 Lent 2 Mark 8:31-38


3 Lent 3 Exodus 20:1-7

10 Lent 4 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

17 Lent 5 Ephesians 2:1-10

24 Palm Sunday Mark 11:1-11

28 Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

31 Easter Mark 16:1-9

In response to God’s faithfulness, and in response to the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, true Christian worship is punctuated with vivid reality. We earnestly confess our ever-present sin, an essential part of worship for Reformed Christians, and we hear God’s assurance of forgiveness and peace. We actively listen for the contemporary relevance of God’s Word by praying for the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit, also a hallmark of Reformed theology shaping worship. After the Word has been proclaimed, we gather the prayers of the church for the very present and very real needs of the world around us, seeking God’s will, Christ’s peace, and the Holy Spirit’s power.

​Worship at Pilgrim

Every Sunday - All are welcome!

9 AM (Sept-June) Christian Formation Groups
​10:30 AM Worship

You will be warmly welcomed at one of the main entrances from the porch or the wheelchair ramp.  Our worship space is on the same level and just a few feet away. You will be given a worship bulletin to help you participate in our worship service.  Click here for a sample bulletin. You may also follow the worship PowerPoint on our large HD TV's at the front of the sanctuary!

Our worship space – is open and bright. The worship band sits up front in the chancel and most people sit on the main level, though some prefer sitting in the balcony.

​The high ceilings mean sound carries beautifully as our worship band and youth choir sing and our various instruments sound to God's glory.  People enter through the double doors at the back of the worship space or a single door near the front for people as they come up from the lower level.

Our worship experience –includes a variety of engaging instrumental music, songs, holy readings from the Bible, a relevant sermon based upon God's living Word and prayer.

We enjoy greeting one another as we share the peace of Christ, sharing prayer concerns and celebrations as ways to care for and get to know one another better. Worship is often a “blend” of musical styles, including traditional Protestant, more contemporary "Praise," and other streams of sacred music.  Worship runs approximately an hour long.

Visual media is incorporated into worship, enhancing the Scripture reading, sermon, and music.   Pilgrim's  HD video system and upgraded sound system has beautifully enhanced our worship experience!